Hi all!
This is a quick message to let you know that all four of our compaƱer@s from Venezuela have now gotten their visas! (There have been some delays getting profiles up for Jesus and Javier, but I will try to do so by this weekend). I am overjoyed to announce, officially, that the Olympia Food Coop and Evergreen State College will be welcoming Jesus, Sneida, Javier, and Ricardo from Cecosesola in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, to our community from May 7th-June 18th. There will be a conference celebrating 2012 as the Year of the Cooperative, and focusing on local cooperative development the first weekend in June. In addition, the compaƱer@s will be visiting community organizations, classes, historical and cultural sites, will be giving interviews at local media outlets, and will be volunteering at the East and Westside stores. Stay tuned for an event for Co-op members to meet and talk with the exchangees, as well! The intercambio continues!